
1Hr - Daycare

$ 10.00 USD

This will be great if you are Working from Home, and need only an hour or so to run errands or to give your pup a break from being at home! Transportation is not included in this service.

Half-Day - Daycare

$ 25.00 USD

Half-Day Daycare includes up to 5 hours of care after your pet.

Full-Day - Daycare

$ 41.00 USD

Full-Day Daycare includes up to 10 hours care after your pet.

10 Visits Half-Day - Daycare

$ 230.00 USD

10 Visits Half-Day Daycare includes up to 5 hours care after your pet for 10 visits.

20 Visits Half-Day - Daycare

$ 420.00 USD

20 Visits Half-Day Daycare includes up to 5 hours care after your pet for 20 visits.

* Pick-ups have to be arranged at least the night before desired pick-up date. Morning pick-ups are done between 7:30am and 9:30am and pick-up time will depend on scheduled route. Pick-ups outside of these hours will incur a $15 fee.

*Late evening pick-ups/drop-offs will incur a $20/half-hour fee. Evening pick-ups after 5:30pm will be subject to the fee.

* For unattended pick-ups and drop-offs, a delay of any more than 15mins, in keying in Woof and Fur staff will incur a $15 fee.

*To avoid incurring additional charges, make timely arrangements for pick-ups and drop-offs,


5 Visits - Daycare Package

$ 190.00 USD

5 Visits Daycare includes up to 10 hours care after your pet for 5 days *(Packages are non-transferable and non-refundable. Days do not have to be used consecutively. Package expires after 60 days from the first day used)

10 Visits - Daycare Package

$ 350.00 USD

10 Visits Daycare includes up to 10 hours care after your pet for 10 days *(Packages are non-transferable and non-refundable. Days do not have to be used consecutively. Package expires after 60 days from the first day used)

20 Visits - Daycare Package

$ 600.00 USD

20 Visits Daycare includes up to 10 hours care after your pet for 20 days *(Packages are non-transferable and non-refundable. Days do not have to be used consecutively. Package expires after 90 days from the first day used)

50 Visits - Daycare Package

$ 1,350.00 USD

50 Visits Daycare includes up to 10 hours care after your pet for 50 days *(Packages are non-transferable and non-refundable. Days do not have to be used consecutively. Package expires after 120 days from the first day used)

Monthly Unlimited - Daycare Package

$ 500.00 USD

Monthly is consecutive days Monday through Friday for 4 weeks in a row, up to 9 hours a day (20 weekdays in a row)



Option One - Dog Boarding

$ 70.00 USD

Option One - Dog Boarding includes Off-site boarding with camera access. Price is for an overnight stay and full day of daycare. Boarding is cage-less and a dog has the option of having their own room or shared space. *(All boarding reservations require a 50% deposit. Boarding cancellation will be fully refunded if made 7 days before the commencement of boarding. Any cancellations made later than 7 days will incur a 30% Fee on the total cost of boarding)

Option Two - Dog Boarding

$ 65.00 USD

Option Two - Includes everything from option 1, but with no camera access. *(All boarding reservations require a 50% deposit. Boarding cancellation will be fully refunded if made 7 days before the commencement of boarding. Any cancellations made later than 7 days will incur a 30% Fee on the total cost of boarding)

Option Three - Dog Boarding

$ 55.00 USD

Dog Boarding includes Off-site boarding crated or not created without camera access. *(All boarding reservations require a 50% deposit. Boarding cancellation will be fully refunded if made 7 days before the commencement of boarding. Any cancellations made later than 7 days will incur a 30% Fee on the total cost of boarding)

* Late pick-ups/drop-offs will incur a $15/hr fee. Evening pick-ups and drop-offs are from 5pm to 6:30pm, pick-ups and drop-offs outside of these times will be subject to $15/hr fee.

* For unattended pick-ups and drop-offs, a delay of any more than 15mins, in keying in Woof and Fur staff will incur a $15 fee. (We will post a calendar of events at the daycare so that you are aware of events happening at the daycare.)

non-local transportation

20 Day - Non-local Transportation

$ 150.00 USD

Package includes 20 Day - Non-local Transportation. Non-local transportation must be purchased with the same associated daycare package if outside our local area (local area includes Harrison, parts of Kearny, Newark, and Bloomfield)

One Day - Non-local Transportation

$ 15.00 USD

Non-local transportation must be purchased with the same associated daycare package if outside our local area (local area includes Harrison, parts of Kearny, Newark, and Bloomfield)

50 Day - Non-local Transportation

$ 350.00 USD

Package includes 50 Day - Non-local Transportation. Non-local transportation must be purchased with the same associated daycare package if outside our local area (local area includes Harrison, parts of Kearny, Newark, and Bloomfield)

* Late pick-ups/drop-offs will incur a $15/hr fee. Evening pick-ups and drop-offs are from 5pm to 5:30pm, pick-ups and drop-offs outside of these times will be subject to $15/hr fee.

* For unattended pick-ups and drop-offs, a delay of any more than 15mins, in keying in Woof and Fur staff will incur a $15 fee. (We will post a calendar of events at the daycare so that you are aware of events happening at the daycare.)



1 Wash - Express Washing

$ 30.00 USD

1 Wash - Express Washing

* Subject to the additional fees depending on breed